My teaching explores hands-on experiences of making and creating in non-traditional educational environments. I teach out of my own personal studio and flower farm, Bloom & Dye, at retreats, workshop venues, and studio schools. My hope is to help foster in students a more meaningful connection to their place and time in the natural world.

Eco print table runner

Mushroom dye student

Fresh leaf indigo workshop

Mushroom forage identification

Shibori bundle dye table runner students

Mushroom dye strips

Shibori indigo dish towels workshop

Shibori eco print table runner

Bloom & Dye workshop

Participants harvesting at Bloom & Dye flower farm

Shibori eco printing

Shibori eco print table runner

Gathering around the indigo vat

Shibori mushroom dye scarves

Bloom & Dye flower farm

Indigo dyed fibers and fabric

Shibori indigo dish towel

Shibori bundle dye table runners

Shibori eco print table runners

Mushroom dye participants

Shibori eco print table runner class

Mushroom dye color chart

Exploring symbiosis

Assembling mushroom dye color chart

Indigo dyed fiber and fabric

Mushroom dyeing

Mushroom dyes drying

Shibori bundle dye dish towels class